Tuesday, February 26, 2013

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We were used to heckling at stadium,
No one would imagine a podium,
Feverish like plasmodium,
Word viral like the gangnam, 
Concentrated thoughts, hefty discussion,
Sweet words, concerted persuasion,
If no hate on debate, no need to bleed

For months we waited,
Matters debated,
Anxiety saturated,
Date seemed so far,
Truth seemed so rare,
But truly, the debate was to be,
If no hate on debate, no need to bleed

No one broke house,
That was my wish,
Matching to brook house,
Only peace to fish,
And yes a defining moment,
To evade the torment,
If no hate on debate, no need to bleed

A stage well set, for the wits to rumble,
Owning marks faces so humble,
Julie Gichuru and Uduak Amimo,
Ladies so outstanding like a limo,
Linus Kaikai and Joe Ageyo,
Event to add taste like OYO,
If no hate on debate, no need to bleed

Significant like the match to Noah’s ark,
So the leaders matched one at a time to make a mark,
Vividly I see Paul Muite,
Vividly Isee Abduba Dida,
Vividly I see Uhuru Kenyatta,
Vividly I see Raila Odinga,
Vividly I see Martha Karua,
Vividly I see Peter Kenneth,
Vividly I see Ole Kiyiapi,
Vividly I see Musalia Mudavadi,
Born and bred by Mother Kenya,
Seeming so promising to serve,
Believing good life Kenyans deserve,
If no hate on debate, no need to bleed

Hearts overwhelmed with glee,
Eyes from the scene can’t flee,
When lips move we see hope,
Hopes set high disregard elope,
United by reason, we have a name,
We are Kenyans, we shun shame,
If no hate on debate, no need to bleed

Moderators rule the show,
Happy faces I like the flow,
Brother, sister titles I hear,
This completely erode fear,
I smile to myself and hug screen,
Indication my future looks green,
If no hate on debate, no need to bleed

On the dusk of the event many are the hugs,
So free with one another no gags,
There and then I make a wish,
And I call on God it flourish,
Kenyans to be Kenyans no division,
Happy people and together we have a vision,
If no hate on debate, no need to bleed

Monday, February 25, 2013

on Leave a Comment


True, Mohamed Abduba Dida launched his manifesto just the other day. We may not be so much aware of the contents of that crucial document but from the look and judging from the way he enthusiastically argues a point out, it must be something really deep, if not to say philosophical.
I have spend quite some minutes of which I think it is worth trying to figure out what exactly would be some of the  constituents to this.

1.  Looking at the health care issue, Dida put it categorically in the first debate that, he a does have a detailed plan on how to curb spread of some of the obvious ailments.  He did put it clear that his method will be preventive rather than curative. People embracing the idea that they should eat only when they are hungry and no overfeeding, thus leaving space for water and breathing space. I think this is in line with not confusing the metabolism routine.

2. On Education, I think he will have a lot of tertiary institutes in place teaching on practical issues. He sounded kind of disturbed that an electronic professor would spend an entire night in darkness simply because he cannot fix an electric socket; something a class eight drop-out would do with so much ease. Yes, to Dida education is paramount and crucial but only if it is aimed at offering solution even to the simple situations in the society.

3. On Employment and remuneration, to Dida, it doesn’t make sense for a president to be earning huge chunks of money while the majority of the poor citizens still remain poor. He will Endeavour to make sure that, the presidential package is so discouraging that guys won’t harbor greed for the position.

On another note, Dida believes job opportunities can be created even in the Diaspora thus creating more employment opportunities for the many youth who are unemployed. How to implement that, I have no idea, but as he can make us believe, I think it is possible!!!

4. Dida wonders how a young man like Kamlesh Patni can manage to play tricks on smart brains. For him, he seems not to get the logic and for him it is something he can never even think of. So you can imagine the kind of enquiry commissions Dida can put in place If elected the President. I hope that is highlighted in his manifesto.

5.      I am trying to imagine the convoy for Dida if elected president!!! He cites the story of Jesus by saying that; a good leader should lead by example. No way should someone have a parade of guzzlers while his subjects are heavily rained on. A true leader eats when all the subjects have eaten and this he depicts very well from the life of Jesus. So I try to imagine the caravan of Dida’s presidential escort, maybe comical. His own car may rate as the one below

             José Mujica, Uruguay's president

6. Lest I forget, I do think under Dida’s regime, a new curriculum may be introduced. One that will ensure that students are at par with the current affairs. A curriculum that will ensure that the findings and conclusions of the enquiries commissions are brought to the public light and passed over even to the latter generations. To me the deal sounds kind of good and a real eye opener.

And the list goes on and on, because I am sure apart from amendment, additions will be very possible since we are living in a so dynamic world.

But again, thank you Dida for you stood out as a true hero. A person of a true character. A character that upholds self esteem no matter the situation.

Dida to me now is a verb, a verb that will inspire my forward move even in adverse situations. When life becomes untenable I will pray to God and then say…Dear Lord, Help your servant to dida on!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

on Leave a Comment


When I am in deep thought someone somewhere is relaxed and vice versa. When I am in sobs, someone somewhere is smiling big and vice versa. When I rejoice in good health, someone somewhere is in deep pain and vice versa. That’s how life is.
 Every moment in life creates a unique experience. The more you open your mind to that what surrounds you, the better you get to learn the true definition of life. The thought we nurse on the break of the day determines the mood to set for the day. I have realized that, the world will never treat a man in a special way unless he takes time to realize the uniqueness in his being.
Many a times we laze around and cry how big and tough a situation is. We keep looking for help from the people around and the situation even gets worse when no one pays attention to whatever peril you are in. I have come to realize that, instead of raising a voice aloud, one should just cry to the inner person and try searching for a solution from within.
It is better to explain on how you emerged a victor other than soliciting for help on how to be one. This is the mentality we should move ahead with if at all we are cut out for prosperity. This runs across diverse spheres of life. To be a successful entrepreneur, one has to lay strategy right. To be a successful entertainer, one has to match with the current trend, and so much more.
The speed you are moving with is priceless if you are moving to the wrong direction and for this case you are building the pattern of your life with the wrong motif. Life is just like a business venture. You have to start by scribbling down the business plan and then see the best way to put it into implementation.
A great man is the final result and the choices we embrace in life are the recipe to that outstanding personality.