Wednesday, February 13, 2013

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When I am in deep thought someone somewhere is relaxed and vice versa. When I am in sobs, someone somewhere is smiling big and vice versa. When I rejoice in good health, someone somewhere is in deep pain and vice versa. That’s how life is.
 Every moment in life creates a unique experience. The more you open your mind to that what surrounds you, the better you get to learn the true definition of life. The thought we nurse on the break of the day determines the mood to set for the day. I have realized that, the world will never treat a man in a special way unless he takes time to realize the uniqueness in his being.
Many a times we laze around and cry how big and tough a situation is. We keep looking for help from the people around and the situation even gets worse when no one pays attention to whatever peril you are in. I have come to realize that, instead of raising a voice aloud, one should just cry to the inner person and try searching for a solution from within.
It is better to explain on how you emerged a victor other than soliciting for help on how to be one. This is the mentality we should move ahead with if at all we are cut out for prosperity. This runs across diverse spheres of life. To be a successful entrepreneur, one has to lay strategy right. To be a successful entertainer, one has to match with the current trend, and so much more.
The speed you are moving with is priceless if you are moving to the wrong direction and for this case you are building the pattern of your life with the wrong motif. Life is just like a business venture. You have to start by scribbling down the business plan and then see the best way to put it into implementation.
A great man is the final result and the choices we embrace in life are the recipe to that outstanding personality.


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